Stop Walmart buying from pork suppliers that use torture on their pigs

Walmart uses suppliers that confine pigs in small gestation crates. A gestation crate is a metal enclosure used in intensive pig farming, in which a female breeding sow may be kept during pregnancy, therefore for most of her adult life. The enclosures measure 6.6 ft x 2.0 ft (2 m x 60 cm) and house sows that weigh up to 600 lbs (270 kg).

Animal welfare advocates regard the use of gestation crates as one of the most inhumane features of intensive animal production. While the practice of immobilizing the animals in crates limits fighting, it subsequently increases the animals' stress levels, causing other health problems. Many studies have shown that sows in crates exhibit behavior such as bar-biting, head weaving, and tongue rolling.

Walmart claim they are continuing to work with the industry to develop animal welfare standards for pigs, and that they expect their suppliers to adhere to these standards but a recent video presented by animal rights group Mercy For Animals depicts pigs being cruelly treated. Walmart has admitted practices at a Minnesota farm are "unacceptable", and revealed it is conducting its own review of the charges. 

Actor, James Cromwell, who is a passionate animal rights activist, says, "Walmart likes to tout its low prices, but when it comes to the pork sold in its stores, animals are left to pay the highest price of all: a life filled with misery and deprivation".

Tell Mike Duke, Walmart CEO to stop these inhumane practices today!

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