Allowing Carlos To Walk For Graduation

    Our fellow classmate Carlos Perez, should be allowed to walk for graduation. He had made the mistake of taking a senior prank a bit to far. He takes the responsibility of making a mistake and knows what damage he has done. He is not being given the chance to walk the stage at his graduation ceremony. Carlos Perez is determined, smart, kind, and overall a bright student. He has been apart of the ghs boys varsity soccer team for the past 4 years, and maintained a great gpa, throughout school. He is going to be a first generation student of graduating high school and attending college in the fall. His family and friends are heartbroken, as they know how hard Carlos has worked for the past twelve years, to get to graduation. Everyone makes mistakes, and carlos maintained a clean record throughout high school until his 2 weeks of senior year. He has learned from his mistakes and we believe he should be given the opportunity to walk at graduation.
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