Stop the selling of fireworks before/After bonfire night.

Pet owners all over the world have struggled with this issue for years, Bonfire night is fun for all the family except of course the animals and those who suffer with PTSD, while fire works can cause fits among humans, we often forget what they can do to our other family members, the ones who can't speak for themselves, there have been cases of animals injuring or killing themselves because of the fear they feel when they hear the loud bangers setting off, unfortunately though after many people have tried to have this stopped it still happens, I myself am not against fireworks I love them but I'd rather sit through it once a year making sure my animals are safe from harm rather than every day leading up and every day following, some people have even complained that their pregnant pets have been forced in to premature labour because of the noise not only does this kill the young it also loses the owners out on money and leaving the mother's heartbroken and so stressed that once again they attempt suicide. Last year someone mentioned that their horse had committed suicide because she was frantically attempting to escape the noise that the owner was unaware of because like usual, this display had happened on the run up rather than the day without any warning, I urgh you animal lovers everywhere to get this petition signed and shared so that we may protect those without a voice, thank you.
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