Side Walks For Mc.Naughten Rd

    on September 18th 2019 My childrens cousin Elizabeth Robertson was struck and killed by two different Vehicles on Mc.Naughten Road, In Columbus, Ohio. She was Struck by one car and another car ran her over and kept going. Mc Naughten Road is a very very dangerous and dark street with no sidewalks, No Caution Lights, No Guard rails, No street lights or anything. Lizzie was to walk down the street and cross Mcnaughten rd at 6:30am in the morning, Lizzie should have been walking out her front door which is in the very beginning of her apartment complex. Not Over 200 feet to the bus stop at 11 years old in the dark. Mc.Naughten is #24 on the list in columbus ohio to get side walks and it will cost 7 million dollars for the project. This does not need to be a we will get to it when we do this is needed NOW a young girl lost her life trying to get to school with no street lights no sidewalks, no anything
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