WHEREAS a July 29 report from city staff to the Halifax Regional Council recommended that 1588 Barrington Street be declared surplus to be sold; and
WHEREAS the Khyber Arts Society has been the anchor tenant at 1588 Barrington Street since 1995 and from that location has made a signifanict cultural impact locally and nationally; and
WHEREAS the Halifax Regional Council previously voted in favour of 1588 Barrington Street being a cultural incubator (Halifax Regional Council minutes of 31 July 2007, 23 September 2008 and 10 August 2010); and
WHEREAS 1588 Barrington Street is of unique historical importance to the LGBTQ community in Halifax and continues to play an integral role for that community; and
WHEREAS deferred maintenance by the HRM as the building owner resulted in the considerable need for repair and accessibility-related renovations; therefore
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, call on Halifax Regional Council to take the the following action:
For more information, please visit: friendsofthekhyber.org
WHEREAS a July 29 report from city staff to the Halifax Regional Council recommended that 1588 Barrington Street be declared surplus to be sold; and
WHEREAS the Khyber Arts Society has been the anchor tenant at 1588 Barrington Street since 1995 and from that location has made a significant cultural impact locally and nationally; and
WHEREAS the Halifax Regional Council previously voted in favour of 1588 Barrington Street being a cultural incubator (Halifax Regional Council minutes of 31 July 2007, 23 September 2008 and 10 August 2010); and
WHEREAS 1588 Barrington Street is of unique historical importance to the LGBTQ community in Halifax and continues to play an integral role for that community; and
WHEREAS deferred maintenance by the HRM as the building owner resulted in the considerable need for repair and accessibility-related renovations; therefore
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, call on Halifax Regional Council to take the the following action:
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