An organization formed as an umbrella group under which all legitimate rescue organizations started campaign of signature gathering to put an initiative on the 2012 ballot that would give the citizens of Idaho an opportunity to vote for a change of penalty codes for animal abuse.
As it is today the Idaho legislature (the Senate in particular) has passed a law that designates animal abuse a misdemeanor, and a penalty as serious as a felony for an animal abuser can only be applied after the abuser is cited for the third time and only at the discretion of the Judge, providing the offenders "intent" is known.
The bogus law passed by the Idaho legislature and signed by Governor Otter was written and passed within eight weeks after it was aparent that the signature gatherers soon reach thirty thousand qualifying signatures and fifteen thousand disqualified (for all kinds of petty reasons) the bogus law was pushed through and the initiative for which signatures were being gathered was ignored, in spite of the fact that the grand total was fifthy thousand signatures. Bury this legislature in signatures and perhaps save the lives and pain of thousands of animals who fall through the cracks every year. There is one very disgruntled woman who is campaigning against your participation in this endeavor. While nit picking silly details she will not see the animals dying while waiting for a law that really protects them.