We, ManeGait riders, volunteers, donors and advocates, respectfully petition TXDOT to eliminate Segment B from the Highway 380 expansion project.  The proposed Segment B will prevent ManeGait from serving two vulnerable and protected populations -- the disabled and children. 

ManeGait cannot safely operate between 16 lanes of traffic (4-lane Custer Road and a 12-lane HWY 380) for the following reasons:

  1. Many ManeGait riders have sensory issues, and some veteran participants suffer from PTSD. Traffic noises, sirens, and emissions will negatively impact these individuals and disrupt the therapy services they receive at ManeGait.
  2. Traffic noises and vibrations can likewise scare horses, which threatens the safety of ManeGait riders, volunteers, staff, and equines.
  3. There is a risk of losing accreditation and insurance coverage should safety issues be encountered, which cannot be mitigated.
  4. The proposed route also runs directly through adjoining property regularly used for trail rides, fundraising events, and horse pasture.

Segment B threatens the daily services ManeGait provides to children, the disabled, and veterans. Most of ManeGait's riders cannot speak up for themselves, and they depend on ManeGait and the surrounding community to speak up for them. Will you join us?

ManeGait Mission:
At ManeGait Therapeutic Horsemanship, children and adults with disabilities move beyond their boundaries through the healing power of the horse and the dedication of a professional, caring community.

Additional ways to help:  Send your feedback directly to TXDOT here We need your voice now more than ever to oppose HWY 380 Segment B!

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