Boiled and skinned alive!

  • por: Vic Bostock
  • destinatário: DEFRA Farm Animal Welfare Commitee & USDA Animal Welfare Information Center

BOILED AND SKINNED ALIVE? If you eat chicken, ham, bacon or beef, then you probably eat an animal that was boiled or skinned alive at least once a week. Shockingly, slaughterhouse workers admit to deliberately beating, strangling, boiling, or dismembering animals alive. "Today’s slaughter line does not stop for anything: Not for injured workers, not for contaminated meat, and least of all, not for sick or disabled animals. Due to meteoric line speeds, workers are often unable to stun or bleed animals adequately, and, as a result, animals proceed through the butchering process fully conscious. In the words of one worker: "These hogs get up to the scalding tank, hit the water, and just start screaming and kicking. I'm not sure whether the hogs burn to death before drowning. The water is 140 degrees." Poultry, exempt from coverage under the Humane Slaughter Act, are routinely conscious when immersed in the scald tank as well. Following long government paper trails, it is revealed that contaminated meat and poultry are pouring out of federally-inspected slaughterhouses. Records document major meat packers that marinate rancid meat to disguise slime and smell. Plant employees miss hide, hair, ear canals, and teeth in product approved by the facility. Chickens and hams are soaked in chlorine baths to remove slime and odor, and red dye is added to beef to make it appear fresh."

Dear Sir/Madam

I have just come across this information and I can't believe that no one is protecting animals and consumers from this.

BOILED AND SKINNED ALIVE? If you eat chicken, ham, bacon or beef, then you probably eat an animal that was boiled or skinned alive at least once a week. Shockingly, slaughterhouse workers admit to deliberately beating, strangling, boiling, or dismembering animals alive. "Today’s slaughter line does not stop for anything: Not for injured workers, not for contaminated meat, and least of all, not for sick or disabled animals. Due to meteoric line speeds, workers are often unable to stun or bleed animals adequately, and, as a result, animals proceed through the butchering process fully conscious. In the words of one worker: "These hogs get up to the scalding tank, hit the water, and just start screaming and kicking. I'm not sure whether the hogs burn to death before drowning. The water is 140 degrees." Poultry, exempt from coverage under the Humane Slaughter Act, are routinely conscious when immersed in the scald tank as well. Following long government paper trails, it is revealed that contaminated meat and poultry are pouring out of federally-inspected slaughterhouses. Records document major meat packers that marinate rancid meat to disguise slime and smell. Plant employees miss hide, hair, ear canals, and teeth in product approved by the facility. Chickens and hams are soaked in chlorine baths to remove slime and odor, and red dye is added to beef to make it appear fresh."

Please find a way to stop this from continuing.

Yours faithfully

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