STOP the "Emergency" Mule Deer Hunt in NV!

  • por: Mike Korn
  • destinatário: Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW)

UPDATE 11/21: This petition has been forwarded to the NV Dept. of Wildife. Thank you for supporting wildlife!

"NDOW biologists estimate that as many as 3,000 to 4,000 mule deer migrate into this area from December to April." Why don't we give them a chance to adapt and survive, and allow for nature to properly assume its course?

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Dear NV Department of Wildlife members:

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that you carefully review the recent plan for an "emergency" hunt of mule deer. Though your decision has been allegedly based on the ability of the deer to survive in an area potentially threatened by wildfire, we strongly believe the deer should be given a chance to adapt and survive, and allow for nature to properly assume its course. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Mike Korn, on behalf of Citizens Concerned for the Welfare of Animals 

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