I can't begin to describe how evil sick and wrong it is to hunt such majestic creatures for money the greed consumed government consent to this for profit it is blood money. These cowards think it is OK to take a life for money or pleasure it is just plain sick. Lions, Elephants, Tigers and Rhinos have already dropped to less than half of their population they will possibly become extinct in the next 50 years due to cruel human tendencies to cowardly hunt these beautiful creatures we need to put a end to thus before it is too late we have already lost the loving kindred spirit 'Cecil the Lion' who took on a family of his own through the heart of his own kindness saving a number of cubs, lioness's, and a male from other rivalry. A disgusting cold hearted sick man named Walter Palmer lured Cecil out of a national park murder and skinned him I've never known such a heart breaking story no justice was served for Cecil, an even more unbeleivably there are currently more than 5,000 lions being held captive in more than 160 farms across South Africa that have been raised as nothing more than easy targets for wealthy hunters. These lions are taken from their mothers just after they are born, kept in captivity, and then released in an enclosure so that people can pay to kill them and take a photo with their “trophy.” What is the most unsettling about all of this is that what these farms are doing is completely legal please help end this madness how would you like to be put in a cage starved shot and skinned? Find it in your hearts to end the suffering and killing of such beautiful creatures of nature.
I can't begin to describe how evil sick and wrong it is to hunt such majestic creatures for money the greed consumed government consent to this for profit it is blood money. These cowards think it is OK to take a life for money or pleasure it is just plain sick. Lions, Elephants, Tigers and Rhinos have already dropped to less than half of their population they will possibly become extinct in the next 50 years due to cruel human tendencies to cowardly hunt these beautiful creatures we need to put a end to thus before it is too late we have already lost the loving kindred spirit 'Cecil the Lion' who took on a family of his own through the heart of his own kindness saving a number of cubs, lioness's, and a male from other rivalry. A disgusting cold hearted sick man named Walter Palmer lured Cecil out of a national park murder and skinned him I've never known such a heart breaking story no justice was served for Cecil, an even more unbeleivably there are currently more than 5,000 lions being held captive in more than 160 farms across South Africa that have been raised as nothing more than easy targets for wealthy hunters. These lions are taken from their mothers just after they are born, kept in captivity, and then released in an enclosure so that people can pay to kill them and take a photo with their “trophy.” What is the most unsettling about all of this is that what these farms are doing is completely legal please help end this madness how would you like to be put in a cage starved shot and skinned? Find it in your hearts to end the suffering and killing of such beautiful creatures of nature humans have no right to kill anything especially innocent majestic intelligent animals.
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