Demand that Korean Airlines stop shipping live horses to slaughter

Every year, approximately 7000 horses are transported by air from Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg (Canada) to Japan. These shipments are often conducted monthly or more often, with up to three to four large horses crammed together in wooden crates with little room to move around, let alone lie down to rest. No food or water is provided during the gruelling journey to another continent. Canadian legislation permits horses to be transported without food and water for up to 36 hours. Sometimes, due to flight delays, the 36-hour period is breached. During one year alone, six horses died during transport, three perished as a result of a landing accident, and one horse was found upside down and dead in his crate.
Canadian legislation prohibits horses over 14 hands high to share a crate with other horses. The law says they must be singly shipped. Their heads must not touch the ceiling of the crate. Horses must not be deprived of food and water for any longer than 36 hours.
The law says all of the above things. But for reasons of profit, Canada ignores the law.

The carrier responsible for shipping these horses to their deaths is Korean Airlines 1-800-438-5000.

Links to supportive articles:
New footage of shipment of live draft horses arriving in Japan -
Footage from the Calgary, Canada airport from 2013 -
Draft horse hitting the top of crate with his head -
Debate on live horse shipment:
CHDC Issues Press Release -
CHDC files complaint with CFIA:
CFIA Failure to Enforce Regulations:

We are petitioning:
Korean Airline executives:

Justin Chung

Deputy General Manager

260, Haneul-gil

Gangsea-Gu, Seoul 07505

John Jackson
Managing Vice President
260, Haneul-gil
Gangseo-Gu, Seoul 07505

Wontae Cho
Executive Vice President
260, Haneul-gil
Gangseo-Gu, Seoul 07505

President - Cargo Division, Kyung Ho Choi

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