Return dog to devastated elderly couple!

“They’ve loved her for a little over two weeks. I’ve loved her for eight and a half years."
Are Ms. Robinson's words, that perfectly describe the current situation they're going through:
This elderly couple has finally found their beloved eight-year-old Sheltie after she went missing in early December. However, 71-year-old Sharon Robinson and her 73-year-old husband still await a happy reunion; their dog, Tipsy, has been adopted by another family–and they refuse to give her back.
We plead to the family that's keeping Tipsy's to please give her back to her original family. How can you not tell this is causing so much pain to this elderly couple? This not only show's lack of empathy, but completely disrespect for this couple and the family they have formed during these past 8 years.
If you have a little bit of love left in your heart, please do the right thing. Give Tipsy back!

Atualização #19 anos atrás
The new family of the doggie had a change of heart and returned her to her original owners two weeks ago.
Thank you everyone for your support!
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