Pledge Not to Support Animal Testing!

  • por: Kat Head
  • destinatário: Susan G Komen and Care2

 Pledge not to support Susan G Komen until they stop testing on animals! This means not clicking for breast cancer on Care2. 

"Every 12 minutes, a woman in America succumbs to breast cancer, but the Susan G. Komen Foundation continues to waste funds on cruel, outdated, and unreliable animal tests as the clock ticks on cancer patients' lives. Doing nothing that will actually help in a real "Race for the Cure," the Susan G. Komen Foundation has instead focused its time and your money on infecting mice and rats with breast cancer. In one recent experiment, mice were injected with cancer cells and forced to grow huge tumors. The "lucky" ones were bombarded with radiation and infected with modified herpes. Others received no treatment at all. Their blood was collected by jabbing needles directly under their eyes, which causes blood vessels to rupture and other deadly complications. The mice were then killed when their tumors grew to a certain size. In other experiments, rats were killed so that their mammary glands and fat could be removed and studied. These tests are extremely cruel to mice and rats—who, like all animals, experience pain and anguish—and the tests are also completely inaccurate because of the vast physiological variations between species."

 We all know that animal tests are cruel and barbaric. But not only does Susan G Komen fund these, Care2 members are supporting animal testing by clicking for breast cancer every day. The money is going to Komen, and Komen is funding animal tests.

Pledge not to support Susan G Komen until they stop testing on animals! This means not clicking for breast cancer on Care2. But don't worry, there are other ways to help put an end to breast cancer! Go to and search for approved breast cancer charities. 

Let's send a message to Komen and Care2 that we won't support animal testing any longer! 


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