Several years ago, an ambulance driver in Aleppo, Syria named Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel started buying a little bit of meat every day to feed cats who had been left behind by people fleeing the war in Syria.
Alaa's simple daily acts of kindness transformed into a shelter with hundreds of cats. It was a place where children could forget the destruction and grief of the war for a moment by visiting the animals and enjoying their company. Alaa gives people and animals alike hope and a bit of sunshine.
Alaa not only cares for the abandoned cats and dogs, but he also cares for the people. After the bombing attacks in August, he cared for the children of the victims and their families. He did this for Ibrahim, the son of Abu Ward, who was the last gardener of Aleppo and was killed by a bombing attack. Alaa cares for everyone who needs help, people and animals alike.
But now, the cat shelters are destroyed. The Mail Online reports that his cat sanctuary is being targeted for repeated bombings, and many of the cats have been killed. Even his ambulance was destroyed. To keep the animals safe, he has asked people fleeing the area to take some of the cats with them, while he takes shelter indoors. Luckily, Alaa and the rest of the cats are safe for the moment. He even has a new ambulance to do his job now, which is vitally important in a place where even buses with refugees are under attack.
Incredibly, Alaa is still trying to care for the cats who remain. Supplies are more scarce now, so he is feeding them with rice mixed with a bit of meat. Alaa says he has taken a vow to protect these innocent, vulnerable animals and that he will stay with them "no matter what."
We must show our support for this brave man and help him! Many people have sent him donations from all over the world but the prices of all the food are extremely high at the moment. Award him the Nobel Peace Prize and show how much the world values this compassionate, brave soul!
Watch Alaa's cat sanctuary in action here:
* Photos courtesy of Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel
The official letter to the Nobel Committee is in the making. A lot of the comments on the petition are worth it to be incorporated into this letter.
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