Save the Suffering Dolphins of Japan

Every year approximately 20, 000 dolphins are killed in Taiji, Japan. These dolphins are taken and slaughtered for no good reason. The wild dolphins at sea are herded by boats into a cove area where they are either killed or selected alive for sale to marine parks across the world for uppwards of $200, 000. They are taken from their families and tortured. Then killed for meat which is sold in Japan under different fish names. The Japanese people do not know that the fish they are purchasing is actually dolphin meat which is very poisonous to humans due to it high mercury ratings. In the wild these dolphins life for 40-50 and some have been documented to have lived for 90 years, but the captive dolphins only live up to 20 years. The Japanese Government knows this is going on and they fund this outrageous act. They are lying to their own people. They are hurting their own people.
The slaughter of dolphin by the Japanese fisherman is a disgusting act and together we can save the dolphins.
We should take care of all of the worlds creatures.
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