Stop polar bear hunting as a sport!

  • por: Emma Larson
  • destinatário: Alaskan Hunting Safaris By Rick Herscher

People are spending a lot of money at Alaskan Hunting Safaris By Rick Herscher to hunt polar bears for trophies. Polar bears are not an endangered species, and it is not illegal to hunt them, but they are being threatened. These beautiful creatures of the north are disappearing mainly because of global warming, but also because of the impact humans are having on them.

Polar bear hunting is a legal running sport in Canada. People pay lots of money to go out on guided trips for hunting. Seven people usually go out and most come back with trophies. Thankfully there are limited amounts of permits for polar bear hunting.

We need to stop the hunting of polar bears, now before it gets out of hand. It may not be a leading cause of the population declining but may become so if it continues at this speed. Sign this petition to demand that Alaskan Hunting Safaris By Rick Herscher stop their polar bear trophy hunting trips.

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Thanks ya'll for helping out the polar bears by signing this petition. I am currently contacting organizations to help shut down hunting safaris throughout northern North American. I still need more signatures to make the difference, so I'm counting on all of you to help. Thank you so much but if younwant to make a big difference please share and make a big awareness.
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