Gimpo Government: Enforce Laws to Protect Animals in Gimpo, Or We Boycott Your City Until You Do So!

Despite dogs not being legally classed as livestock in South Korea, there are still thousands or possibly millions of dog farms in South Korea, with many of these appalling farms being in Gimpo. There are also slaughterhouses and markets that kill dogs in Gimpo. On these awful farms, dogs are kept in very cruel, cramped and filthy conditions and fed on garbage and dead animals, including deceased dogs! These dogs are killed cruelly by such means as hanging, beating, electrocution, blowtorching and strangulation. Some are even thrown into boiling water alive! In some cases, dogs are tortured to death in front of other, terrified and distressed dogs!
WE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS ANY LONGER! We kindly DEMAND that the Gimpo Government takes these animals seriously and shuts down all of the dog meat and cat meat slaughterhouses, farms, markets and stalls, and forces all of the restaurants in Gimpo to take dogs and cats off the menu!
Thank you.

Atualização #12 anos atrás
Please kindly encourage as many other people as possible to also sign and kindly encourage as many people as possible to do the same, both in real life and via social media. Please also email the Government of the Republic of Korea kindly expressing your opposition to the dog meat trade via this email address:
Please also express that you won’t be supporting North Korea, South Korea or the Republic of Korea until this cruelty is banned.
Thanks for all.
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