Petition For Texas Death Row Prisoner Jose Medellin

This petition is in protest of the US Supreme Court decision to ignore the intent of the Vienna Convention in the case of Medellin v. Texas on March 23, 2008. Because the US had signed the Vienna Convention and it had been radified by the Senate, we feel the US Supreme Court should honor it's promise with the Vienna Convention. We feel Medellin's rights were violated as a Mexican prisoner in the USA when he was not advised to get consular from his home country.We also feel there are other facts about Medellin should be mentioned, like his age of 18 at the time of the crime, his gang affiliations, and drug use. We by no means intend to ignore the seriousness of this case, and also do not intend to forget the victims and thier families, but we also feel the sentence of the death penalty is also a serious issue.We are asking that Medellin be granted a new trial, where he can seek help and counsel from his Native country. We also feel that the rights of other foreign prisoners could be at risk if this case is used as a decision against the Vienna Convention.
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