Maximum Penalty for Jason Snead, Animal Abuser

  • destinatário: Court House of Palm Beach County

A man from Ormond Beach is facing animal cruelty charges in Palm Beach County.

Right now, a dog in for the fight of its life after police say it was beaten so badly that it’s eyes are bloody and bulging from its head.

Palm Springs Police say Jason Snead is the man in a graphic surveillance video abusing an 8 pound King Charles Cavalier named Elizabeth Taylor.

Surveillance video from the car dealership along Congress Avenue caught the alleged act.

Palm Springs Police gave CBS12 the video which they say shows Snead repeatedly kicking the dog Sunday morning, throwing it and ramming its head into the side of his truck. The incident was so violent that it left hair and blood on the vehicle according to police.

Lets get this guy locked up for a long time. He doesn't belong among us in society!

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