Save Bubble

Bubble a 9 year old Staffy x is being held by Hume City Council since 9 September 2014 (A period of over 2.5 months) while a decision is being made on if he will be destroyed.

Bubble was declared a 'dangerous dog' by Hume CC in 2013. His owner take the responsibility of owning a 'dangerous dog' very seriously, every guidelines and restrictions placed upon Bubble by Hume CC have been complied to, without exception. 

Bubble escaped his locked home – terrified of thunder - and was collected by the ranger. Bubble has never attacked a person or other animal. This dog is a beloved family pet and has done nothing wrong.

Please tell Hume City Council to release Bubble to his owner.

We the undersigned urge you to release Bubble back to his owner. Bubble was declared a 'dangerous dog' in 2013. His owner take the responsibility of owning a 'dangerous dog' very seriously, every guidelines and restrictions placed upon Bubble have been complied to, without exception. 

Bubble escaped his locked home – terrified of thunder - and was collected by the ranger. Bubble has not attacked a person or other animal. This dog is a beloved family pet and has done nothing wrong. Please let your good sense and higher ethics win out and send Bubble back to his owner.

Atualização #210 anos atrás
Great News:
Bubble has won the battle against BSL and will be home for Christmas!
Thank you all so much for your support. I know that not everyone celebrates Christmas, but I am wishing everyone days of joy and love.
Atualização #110 anos atrás
Thank you all so much for your support! Please continue by sharing to help it get more signatures. Your comments are very much appreciated but please be courteous.
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