Victory! Same-Sex Marriage Is Legal in Thailand. But in the U.S., Human Rights Are Under Attack.

Thailand is now the first country in Southeast Asia to grant full marriage equality to LGBTQ+ couples. And as of this week, the new marriage equality law has gone into effect, with hundreds of loving couples tying the knot across the country.

This is a monumental victory for human rights, proving that progress towards the recognition of all human beings' dignity is possible. But while Thailand moves forward, the United States is at risk of moving backward.

Sign the petition to urge U.S. state governments to take action to protect marriage equality by enshrining it in their state constitutions!

With the current political climate in the U.S., the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans are increasingly under threat. The Supreme Court has grown more hostile toward equal rights, and conservative lawmakers in multiple states have openly discussed rolling back protections for same-sex couples. If Obergefell v. Hodges - the landmark ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide - were ever overturned, millions of LGBTQ+ Americans could suddenly find themselves in legal limbo, with their marriages no longer recognized in hostile states.

This is not a far-fetched scenario. We have already seen how quickly the Court can strip away fundamental rights, as it did with abortion access in 2022.

If federal protections for marriage equality are revoked, we will need to rely on individual states to uphold this human right. Right now, 32 U.S. states - more than half of the country - still have outdated constitutional amendments or statutes that explicitly ban same-sex marriage. If federal protections were to disappear, these bans could take effect immediately, ripping apart families and stripping away critical legal rights, from hospital visitation to parental custody and inheritance. We cannot allow that to happen.

Thailand's victory is proof that love and equality can triumph over discrimination. Let's make sure the United States doesn't become a cautionary tale of progress undone.

Sign the petition to demand that every state amends their constitutions to enshrine protections for same-sex marriage. We must ensure that no future court decision can erase the rights that LGBTQ+ couples have fought so hard to gain!
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