On February 7, 2018, Gerald M. Turner a.k.a. The Halloween Killer is scheduled to be released from prison. Gerald Turner was charged with a sexual molestation crime involving a 15 year old babysitter, but was never prosecuted, therefore allowing him to roam free resulting in the sexual molestation and death of my nine year old daughter, Lisa A. French on October 31, 1973. This Halloween marks the 44th anniversary of her death. To this day, I feel in my heart he will commit another violent sex crime if he is released. If he is released into the public, it is only a matter of time before he has another opportunity to offend. Turner's current and prior actions indicate that he is still a dangerous person and should not be released.
When he was arrested in 1974, the police found stacks of child pornography in his home. Turner was forbidden from possessing ANY sexually explicit material without approval from state officials as part of his parole. During his stay in a half way house, he tried on three occasions to rent movies about serial killers, including one about a young girl being slashed to death. At one point, Gerald took a knife after his parole officer,
In 2003 a judge ordered Gerald Turner to serve another 15 years in prison for violating his parole after authorities found hundreds of hard-core pornographic images on a computer drive in his half way house bedroom. Three women testified that he also raped and beat them. A psychiatrist testified that there was a 20% chance that Turner would commit another violent sex crime if he were released. I believe a 20% chance is too big of a chance to take for the safety of our children.
Gerald Turners flat out refusal for treatment while incarcerated and history of repeat offenses is a testament to the danger he poses to our society.
Please help us keep our community and our children protected against Gerald Turner, a known repeat offender by signing his petition.
Update: If you knew Lisa, helped in the search, have memories of how this murder affected your life or served in any way to help, we would love to hear from you! Please email us at: ssuzy990@aol.com. Please write "Lisa French" in the subject line.
Thank You
Lisa's mother
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