Demand "Cost Plus" World Market Remove Animal Cruelty Item From Stores and Website

  • por: Kim Forwood
  • destinatário: Eric Hunter - Chief Executive Officer ... Jane Baughman - President ... Monica Chee - Senior Buying Manager ... Alexander Wolf - Managing Partner, Kingswood Capital Management (World Market parent company)

Demand that the item, "Fred Black De-Catitated Ice Mold" be Removed from the Website AND Stores. This item is part of the World Market Halloween collection, and should not be made available for purchase. The item promotes and therefore supports Animal Cruelty, specifically Mutilation and Death. A Decapitated Cat Head, with a suggestive title "De-Catitated", is not funny, it's Sick. This item should not be for sale at World Market, or anywhere.

As a San Francisco Native and Resident, the locally started "Cost Plus" World Market has been a frequented store all my 50+ years. I am disappointed that a place I have spent a lot of time and money at would carry such a cruel item.  Last night I did my annual scroll through the Halloween section. I was Horrified when I saw this item with a Decapitated Cat Head and the product named in a way that is supposed to be commical.? It's Disturbing. This item is Disgusting and Disrespectful to all Cats, and singleing out Black Cats at Halloween really sends a bad message.

I could go on and on about this Twisted item and Animal Cruelty, but I want to keep this simple. I know anyone who has Empathy and Compassion for Non-Human Beings, will understand why World Market selling this item is wrong.

I am Sickened by the sale of this item. That is why I am Petitioning the World Market Executives to Remove the "Fred Black De-Catitated Ice Mold" from their collection immediately.

Please Sign AND Share this Petition, AND join me in Boycotting World Market until this item is Removed.  It's important that the public stand up against products that promote and support acts of Animal Cruelty, Abuse and Violence. Thank You.

Personally, if this item is not removed before the end of the Halloween season, I will never shop there again.

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