Petition to Keep Our Pets

Article XXIII of the Fall Creek Units 2 & 3 Subdivision Declaration of Easements, Restrictions, Covenants and Conditions states:

"No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any Lot, except for cats, dogs or other generally recognized household pets of a reasonable number, provided that they are kept, not bred or maintained for any commercial purposes and provided further that no more than two (2) adult dogs and two (2) adult cats may be kept on a single Lot without the prior written approval of the Committee.

All such animals shall be kept in strict accordance with all local laws and ordinances (including leash laws) and in accordance with all rules established by the Architectural Control Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the Owners of such household pets to prevent the animals from running loose or becoming a nuisance to the other residents."

On September 27, 2012 we received a notice that we have violated Article XXIII and that we must remove our chickens from our property. We strongly feel like our chickens are part of our family as pets. They serve many beneficial purposes including, but not limited to:

         - Fresh, free-range organic eggs. Not the same that you're able to purchase in a grocery store because the grocery store washes off the natural protective coating.

         - Teaches our children about the responsibility of raising agriculture that can help them learn the importance of sustainable living.

        - Chickens are crucial in keep the insect population under control, as they eat an extraordinary amount of insects every day. 

       - Chickens natural waste serves as a very high nutrient fertilizer

We believe that we are not in violation of the HOA by-laws because depending on where you live, chickens are considered common pets. We can prove that we have no intention to breed because we only have female chickens and they are considered "layers" not
"broilers" which are the kind that you butcher.

By signing this petition, you are saying that you are in support of our family keeping our small flock of chickens, and that they are not a nuisance to you or your family.

Thank you for helping us keep our chickens!        

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