Ask Barrel Racers to stop allowing cruelty to rodeo animals

Someone has to say it!

Barrel racers condone cruelty to rodeo animals!

Barrel racers take part in competition all over the world along side Rodeo events that are cruel to animals.

Calf Roping, Steer wrestling, Bareback Rodeo , Bull Riding are all rodeo events that are cruel to animals. 

Barrel racers know that Rodeo horses are forced to buck, they are shocked, punched and made to appear wild when in reality they are just tame horses. 

Barrel Racers know that Calves and Steers get injured and killed at events that take place on the same day as their Barrel Races

Knowing all of this Barrel racers still participate Rodeos that are cruel to animals.

These people claim they love horses then why are they participating along side horse abusing Rodeos?

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