Reinstatement of USPS Residential Mail Delivery

  • por: Amadi Williams
  • destinatário: To Reinstate Residential USPS Mail Delivery Service

10 to 15 years ago a resident's dog was set loose to go after a mail carrier. While this is a tragedy that should have never happened, the post office responded by terminating mail service to the entire block, instead of calling animal control and fining the individual resident. Currently the residents from 1512-1721 E. McMillan St Compton CA, are still without residential mail delivery service. That problem resident moved out more than 10 years ago, yet the post office is unwilling to reinstate residential mail delivery due to of financial reasons, or so they say. Residents have complained to deaf ears in the hierarchy of the USPS, but when talking to the individual mail carriers they are willing to reinstate mail delivery but abstain because of directives higher up their chain of command. Meanwhile, the "gangbox" the post office installed is routinely tampered with, or damaged and often residents must travel to the post office to pick up their mail and sometimes just don't get their mail. Many of the residents on this block are senior citizens yet the post office is still unwilling to resume residential delivery service. Finally, the new neighbors who moved into the problem residents, former address has never received mail service. The solution is simple. We the People mandate that the USPS resume residential mail delivery service.

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