Save a small animal rescue/sanctuary

  • por: Rinea Lucia
  • destinatário: San Bernardino county board of supervisors
We have a small santuary that takes in horses, goats, dogs and pigs from bad situations or that have no where else to go. We cere for them until they pass on to the next world. We have done this in the same place for almost 20 years but now the county wants to change our licensing so we can only have 15 dogs and pigs instead of the 15 dogs we've always had and unlimited pigs.
These animals have nowhere to go! The dogs are all adoption failures. They tried to get a home and couldn't! Same with the pigs, they each have a story on how they got here.
Please sign so I can take the signatures to the next San bernardino county supervisors meeting on May 24,2016. I hope the county will give us an exemption. We are tala ha: the end of the road.
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