Boycott Bravo TV on Behalf of Orcas in Captivity

  • por: Deborah Nava
  • destinatário: Bravo, the Cable TV Network

If you have seen the CNN Documentary 'Blackfish', your know about the inhumanity of keeping Orcas and Dolphins in capivity.  Be the voice these majestic marine mammels don't have. The Bravo TV Network is allowing Seaworld to purchase commercial advertsement spots on their stations.  Send a message to Bravo TV and Andy Cohen that we will no longer watch any of their popular reality shows like, Real Housewife's of Who Cares, etc, unless they stop their SeaWorld advertisements. 

If you have seen the CNN Documentary 'Blackfish', your know about the inhumanity of keeping Orcas and Dolphins in capivity.  Be the voice these majestic marine mammels don't have. The Bravo TV Network is allowing Seaworld to purchase commercial advertsement spots on their stations.  Send a message to Bravo TV and Andy Cohen that we will no longer watch any of their popular reality shows like, Real Housewife's of Who Cares, etc, unless they stop their SeaWorld advertisements. 

Atualização #111 anos atrás
Thanks for signing on behalf of Orcas kept in captivity. We want the Bravo Network to cease their commercials for Seaworld. We want Bravo to know that by advertising SeaWorld they are supporting their inhumane practice of displaying captive Orcas and Dolphins for entertainment. It's gone on for far too long. Monetizing these magnificent animals is just wrong! Thanks again for signing!
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