Demand stricter policies on euthanizing animals!

On October 3, 2015, our family pup was euthanized by my mother's soon to be ex husband. He was watching our pup for a few days and started making up stories saying Annie, our 6 year old healthy as can be boxer pup, was attacked by another dog and didn't make it, then saying she ran off. We asked the neighbors what happened, he said that Annie had jumped the fence into his yard and was fine with his dog. My so-called father wouldn't give us a straight answer. The neighbor notified us that he had taken Annie to be euthanized. He first went to the vet, they refused. He proceeded to take our family dog, my therapy/emotional support pup, to be euthanized without permission from my mom, the rightful owner. The animal shelter did not verify proper ownership of Annie, nor did they look at police records of animal attacks. Annie never bit anyone or attacked anyone or any dog. No records. When I went in to the animal shelter and asked about their policy on euthanizing animals, one of their workers simply said "we just ask that the proclaimed owner have an ID and fill out the proper paperwork." On October 15, 2015, my mom received the paperwork about Annie being euthanized and cremated. The paperwork was not filled out correctly by Nicholas Vetter, nor did the animal shelter verify Annie's owner, yet they still proceeded in euthanizing Annie. Annie was innocent, perfectly healthy and a sweetheart. I don't want anyone else feeling this pain that I feel, no one should feel pain when these unfortunate events happen. We need stricter laws for euthanizing animals! We need justice! We need time for the actual owners to be verified and notified to be able to get their pets and save them! Help us get justice for Annie! Make Annie's Law happen!
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