Save the Santa Monica Airport (SMO)

Santa Monica Wants to Close the Santa Monica airport with FAA approval, but if they close it they are taking away 100 years of history, and Donald Douglas was the original owner. It was also where the bigest plane its time was built the Dc 3 

Atualização #26 anos atrás
On April 15th the birthday of Santa Monica Airport, she will be 100 years old. I am trying to put a stop it from closing in 2028. Because it is a very big part of history, and if it did close it would be a huge loss to Southern California, and in history. So thank you all for supporting.
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Thank you all who are signing my petition to save the Santa Monica Airport, because It should not close because It is a lot of history to Santa Monica.
Thank You for your support.
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