Make a nudist revolution!

A nudist revolution would be awesome! I am personally in favor of a nude-friendly world. Nudism is a way to end body shame which is detrimental. Naked shame leads to many problems in society.

We have gotten too textile dependent. How can humanity be more horrified of its own naked body than of atrocities like racism, violence, war or bigotry?

Clothing is only needed for protection from harsh weather conditions and working in dangerous situations. The human body is a beautiful thing, one of the most beautiful things on planet Earth. The naked human body deserves to be seen more often.

Sex crimes are lower in a nudist society than in a clothed society. We get along better naked. Clothing is expensive and a lot of work to manage. Doing loads of laundry is a waste of water. Clothing is the world's second largest polluting industry after oil. Adornment can also come in tattoos, piercings, body painting and jewelry. Clothes are restricting. The world may be more peaceful with a nudist revolution.

Smoking and drugs (the latter exclusive of medications and medical marijuana) do harm but are legal, yet public nudity, which causes no harm, is illegal. This is unfair.

We should promote nudism positively, and it can be done in a nudist revolution. Clothing to be worn would only be done in different functions from a non-nudist world.

Nudism does no harm to anyone. Nudism can make the world better. It certainly can make a happier world, since nudism brings joy and happiness.

A nudist revolution can be made with making social nudity mainstream, and it is on my other petition to sign at:

Together we can make a nudist revolution to make a nude-friendly world happen.

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