Canada Goose: Please stop using real animal skins unnecessarily!

I have just watched a PETA video on the life and trapping of a coyote named Alice (fictional, possibly). She and her siblings wanted to leave the den, but her mother was anxious to let them go out because of Canada Goose. The video is told from the perspective of Alice the coyote. The mother told Alice that there was a company that wanted to set awful traps for the coyotes and kill them just so that they could be skinned and their skins used for clothing. Alice and her siblings still venture out and Alice ages and eventually finds a mate named Jacob. He is so happy when she tells him that she is expecting cubs. She has her cubs. She then goes out to get food for her cubs, she's thinking about their futures and then bam! She gets trapped. She is probably in agony and tries to chew through her own limb to get free. She awaits the trapper to come and kill her.
The unnecessary use of leg-hold traps is horrible. Any unnecessary, inhumane trapping is horrible. I don't advocate for unnecessary violence, in fact I'm very against it, but the unnecessary use of inhumane traps for animal control, fur and "pest" control should be shunned for the animal cruelty that it is. The unnecessary, inhumane trapping of "pest" animals by, perhaps, twisted "pest" controllers is animal cruelty.
I have been on their website and Canada Goose make themselves out to hold good values about the humane treatment of animals. But what is humane about setting nasty leg-hold traps out in the wild that injure and hurt animals, causing them agony, and then coming and either shooting, strangling or beating the animals to death, and also causing their un-weaned cubs to die due to starvation, predation and/or illness? Many animals, such as dogs and even people, are also at risk. When other (presumably non-human) animals that are not "target" animals are caught, the trappers (at least sometimes) just discard them as "trash". Some animals succeed in chewing off their own limbs in order to get free. They are then still in pain and agony and at risk of dying due to starvation, predation, illness, blood loss and/or infection. It's a very grim fate. All so that uncaring rich idiots and those who are uninformed and/or ignorant can wear their fur that they don't need. I'm not speaking against those who kill animals out of necessity for survival, but I am speaking up against the unnecessary, cruel slaughter of animals just for profit and fashion.
Canada Goose, it is time to wake up. This is 2018 (soon to be 2019). There is so much faux fur out there. A lot of people are/claim to be animal lovers and opposed to the use of real fur in fashion. Unnecessary violence against animals is NOT acceptable any more. We call upon Canada Goose to stop the unnecessary sale and business of real animal skins. We WILL NOT buy from Canada Goose until their sale and use of real animal skins.
Thank you.

Atualização #16 anos atrás
Hi 👋,
Please also email Canada Goose about this. Polite, kind and legal emails only, please.
Thank you 😊 to the moon 🌓 and back.
Have the best day and night ever!
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