Stop Urban Coyote Attacks

  • por: Coyote Watch
  • destinatário: California Fish & Game Commission

We need to take action and let the California Fish & Game Commission know that that these increasing urban coyote attacks on our children and pets are unacceptable. Sign this petition and let the Fish & Game Commission know the safety of our children, families, and pets is not something that can be ignored any longer. Let the committee know that something needs to be done about these coyote predators that are overrunning our cities.

On Sept. 17, the California Fish & Game Commission will be discussing predator management at their Wildlife Resources Committee meeting in Sacramento.

We can no longer stand by while these predators put our loved ones in harm’s way. We need to get the communities together to petition the Fish & Game Commission to adopt a management policy at the state level.

Our neighborhoods across California have been subject to attacks on pets and children by a rapidly growing coyote population.

We have for the past few years attempted to follow the recommendation by the cities to haze coyotes with no impact. Not only has hazing been ineffective in preventing attacks, but it has contributed to the rapid increase in the coyote population that is overrunning our neighborhoods.

We need our representatives in Sacramento to take the safety of our children and pets seriously, and address this issue with an effective coyote management policy.

Our communities have suffered enough. We need something done about this violence in our communities.

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