Save Disney Fairies Pixie Hollow online and app

  • por: Alex Williams
  • destinatário: 500 South Buena Vista Street Burbank, CA 91521

Online virtual world launched in 2008 and closed September 19, 2013, in which users could create their own fairy, interact with other players, and explore the world of Tinker Bell and her fairy friends. It's really a shame that Disney has not produced a new Tinkerbell movie since 2014 and it's even more so a shame that the only other Tinkerbell related option was the Pixie Hollow online. For Disney to remove such a fantastic online game is really such a dishonor to Tinkerbell and all she's provided to Disney's iconic legacy. I understand they want to focus on the mobile apps and the newer games, but I think Tinkerbell deserves better than to be just Peter Pan's right hand fairy. Please Disney for the sake of one of your biggest supporters, I ask of you to bring back this iconic game for the new generation.

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