We demand action now from the public prosecutor to end animal abuse on Curacao!

Let's demand the public prosecutor in Curacao to attend animal abuse now and prosecute abusers in order to help and protect all animals on the island. 

Atualização #29 anos atrás
Thanks to your support we had meeting with Public prosecutor and will have with local police department to make prosecution of animal abusers priority. Let's rally to reach the target together strong for the animals.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
After just a week of this petition we have already received nearly 5 thousand signers and been contacted by an representative of the public prosecutor with the promise to give us an opportunity to meet with them. We thank all of you for making this happen and kindly ask and encourage you to keep sharing in order to raise much more so that the public prosecutor should understand that it's not only a bunch of "crazy" animal lovers on the island but the whole community that is requesting action.
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