Justice for Zeta. Dog shot with arrow by police officer.

  • por: Jaytala
  • destinatário: Whakatane Police. The Independent Police Conduct Authority New Zealand

NO criminal charges are likely to be laid against the Whakatane police officer who shot a dog with an arrow in November last year
A criminal investigation was launched after the constable admitted shooting the four-year-old bull mastiff Zeta after it strayed on to his property on November 12.
The hunting arrow struck the dog just behind the elbow and travelled almost right through his chest, causing serious injury but miraculously missing all major organs.
Yesterday a police spokesman said the criminal investigation had been completed and was now subject to legal review.
As a result of that process, the case did not reach the threshold for a criminal prosecution.
The matter was now the subject of an employment inquiry, said the spokesperson.
The dog’s owner reported the shooting to police on the evening it happened, believing at the time that Zeta had been attacked in her backyard. Three days later an officer who lived nearby admitted firing the arrow.
He was not stood down from duty.

Sourced from
Whakatane Beacon. http://www.whakatanebeacon.co.nz/2015/01/no-charges-for-dog-shooting-cop

When laws fail, voices still can speak out.  
In certain positions of authority such as a police officer you have a level of accountability. Police are only human but wanting a level of respect means a level of responsibility to the community they are working in.
Animal Welfare in the Eastern Bay of Plenty New Zealand is over worked, short staffed and deal with many heartbreaking stories.
1. The public needs to have a helpful statement or an update from the Whakatane police with their support for the Animal Welfare in the area.
2. Education about how not using deadly weapons in suburban/residental areas have not even been addressed.
3. Stand up, you can't fix the past but you can help mould the future with a better public relations with animal owners, animal friends, animal welfare in general.

I am not the owner of this dog but I am a pet owner, fearful this is going set the wrong example for this area. 

~~Thank you for your time~~

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Public March Whakatane Bay of Plenty New Zealand

Starting point The Warehouse 31 Kakahoroa Dr, Whakatane
End point. Whakatane Police Station 62-70 Boon Street Whakatane

The Whakatane SPCA will be walking at the public march which is being held on Monday 19th. It begins at The Warehouse at 11am and walking to the Whakatane Police Station to address community concerns over why no action is being taken for the shooting of a dog with an arrow.
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