The EU is Burning Down Millions of Trees in the Name of “Renewable Energy”. It Has to Stop.

The EU make themselves out to be very great for championing renewable. However, one of the ways in which they "champion renewable energy" is by burning down millions of trees, some of which may be over a hundred years old, killing and destroying the habitats of wolves, bears, deer, birds and fish. Entire forests are being cut down and burned because of the EU. The money spent on destroying these forests could be put towards eco-friendly ways to produce renewable energy, ways that benefit humans and wildlife, and our planet.
You can learn more about the EU's destruction of European forests from this video.
We would like to kindly ask the EU to stop destroying the forests and to instead invest the money that would have otherwise gone to destroy the forests into genuinely eco-friendly projects, projects for renewable energy and projects that help humans and animals in other ways as well.

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