Demand that Florida Governor Rick Scott stop exploiting our state parks

  • por: Paula Johnson
  • destinatário: Governor Rick Scott and his appointee to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Jon Steverson

Florida Governor Rick Scott wants to open our beautiful state parks to hunting, cattle grazing and commercial timber logging. Most Florida residents want our parks to remain unspoiled where wildlife is free and safe to roam, and without commercial exploitation of our few precious undeveloped natural areas.

Dear Governor Scott,

I am dismayed and disappointed to learn of your plan to allow hunting, cattle grazing and commercial timber logging in our beautiful state parks.  The natural beauty of the state of Florida has too long been viewed as only good for commercial exploitation and making a fast buck.  The naturalist and explorer, John Muir, wrote "When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world."  Too much of our natural heritage has already been sacrificed to development.  We don't know how many species have gone extinct and what the impact of that is on the survival of humans on this planet.  We do know that the Everglades is struggling, that many species in this state are listed as threatened or endangered.  Please protect the flora and fauna in our state parks, and protect them for the enjoyment of all citizens and visitors to our beautiful state.


 Paula Johnson

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