The prohibition of falconry in the Natural Area of Interest in Gallecs

  • por: Plataforma Salvem Gallecs
  • destinatário: Mr. Lluis Recoder (Minister of Planning and Sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalonia) / Mr. Janez Potocnik (European Commissioner for Environment)

GALLECS is a protected natural area which is located in Valles region (Barcelona) and includes six municipalities (Mollet del Valles, Parets del Valles, Santa Perpetua de Mogoda, Llica de Vall, Palau-Solita i Plegamans and Montcada i Reixac). With a unique biodiversity, it is situated in the middle of a flyway used for a lot of birds, many of them considered protected species. 

Although the hunting with shotguns is prohibited there, some sorts of hunting are not, such as falconry (which involves using birds of prey) or the capture of finches.

Sign this manifesto in order to succeed in forbidding both the practice of falconry and the capture of finches in the EIN (Area of Natural Interest) of Gallecs.

The Valles Plain has been a mistreated land historically. Loads of infrastructures, plenty of chemical factories and high densities of urban buildings have been built during the last decades.

The environmental fight has always had little success due to the predatory instinct of powerful people and their lack of sensitivity towards the nature. Gallecs has not been an exception to this dynamic. More than the half of its natural environment surfaces was destroyed between the 1970s and the 21st century. Social protests have persisted during decades, and thanks to this movement less than 7 km² were protected in 2009 as Natural Area of Interest. Unluckily, the protection achieved becoming a Natural Area of Interest is not enough and, moreover, this recognition is only valid in Catalonia. 

Nowadays, Gallecs belongs to the limited group of green areas left in the southern part of the Valles Plain. Moreover, Gallecs is a place in which thousands of citizens try to enjoy the nature, which is a Constitutional right in Spain.

To introduce you briefly to Gallecs biodiversity, we have to highlight that, for example, there have been recorded 190 species of birds, 8 of amphibian, 13 of reptiles and at least 14 species of orchids.

Unfortunately, the poor protection granted in Gallecs is not being used to preserve its natural values. The Generalitat of Catalonia allows falconry in Gallecs, approves the trapping of finches, and it is also very common to see hunting dogs pursuing birds.

Altogether, all this facts harm the natural values of this area and it makes it really difficult for the citizens to enjoy its nature.

These are the reasons why we hereby request, with all due respect:

-The prohibition of falconry in the Natural Area of Interest in Gallecs.

-The inclusion of the Natural Area of Interest in Gallecs in the European Natura 2000 Network.

-Declaration of the Natural Area of Interest Gallecs as an Animal Refuge.

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