President Obama: Amend Your Decision to Allow Arctic Drilling

Major Environmental groups have stated undeniably that allowing drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge would lead to the destruction of one of the last pristine wilderness areas left on Earth. In an area of the planet already under seige from the effects of global warming, an oil spill accident could lead to the extermination of many wildlife species found nowhere else on Earth.

The BP Deepwater oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the resulting devastation to the environment there shows how unprepared the oil corporations are to deal with the environmental disasters which they cause. The fact that there has already been an incident before they even begin drilling in the Arctic region is proof that these companies are not prepared to commence operations without serious risk to the fragile eco-system they hope to exploit.

Please amend your decision to allow Arctic drilling. Many of us hope to see you stand true to your campaign promise to be a leader in the movement to care for, rather than exploit, our precious natural resources.

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