Investigate the Trump campaign for exploiting and scamming seniors!

  • por: OD Action
  • destinatário: Department of Justice

Modern Republicanism is a scam from top to bottom, and there's no mark they like better than their own voters. A CNN investigation has found that "deceptive political fundraisers have victimized hundreds of elderly Americans and misled those battling dementia or other cognitive impairments into giving away millions of dollars — far more than they ever intended."

Some of these seniors became some of the biggest grassroots donors in the country, depleting their retirement savings that they spent their whole lives working for and even going into debt to put more and more money into GOP pockets.

Hold Trump and the GOP accountable for taking advantage of elderly donors!

The stories are absolutely heartbreaking. One 80-year-old communications engineer "believed he was part of a network of political operatives communicating with key Republican leaders" and ended up giving away nearly half a million dollars to Trump. Another 82-year-old woman, who CNN reports "wore pajamas with holes in them because she didn't want to spend money on new ones," didn't even realize she had given Republicans more than $350,000. 

These cretins are taking advantage of America's old folks, and it has got to stop. It's time for the government to step in and hold the Trump campaign accountable for this predation. 

Investigate the Trump campaign for exploiting and scamming seniors!

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