Force Egypt to stop these tragic dog massacres

Egyptian authorities insist on KILLING hundreds of stray dogs every day with Strychnine poison that is forbidden worldwide, due to its undisputed damage to HUMAN BEINGS before animals and environment.

Despite our efforts to educate authorities on what should be done to control stray dogs' reproduction in a humane way; the government decided to start a large massacre in all the Egyptian governorates to take the lives of innocent stray dogs everywhere.

We, Animal Advocates in Egypt, have been rescuing hundreds of newly born puppies from the lap of their poisoned mothers; trying desperately to suck milk out of her lifeless breast. Those mothers were wagging their tails and running happily towards the veterinary medicine’s KILLERS when they fed them the poisoned food in the mouth, thinking that they are human beings trying to feed them.

They claim these are rabid dogs!!!! ..... If they were rabid, why are they are eating the poisoned food? Rabid dogs DO NOT eat.

HELP HELP Animal Advocates, SHARE and create pressure over the INHUMANE BLUNT authorities.

If humanity and scientific solutions can’t stop them; Maybe OUR PRESSURE CAN.


The solution is in the hand of the Government with the help of AWF organisation and Egyptian Citizens, TRAP/NEUTER/VACCINATE/RELEASE, SYNCHRONIZED WITH AWARENESS.

ايميل الرئاسة

Prof Mona Mehrez, deputy minister of agriculture: وزارة الزراعة
Private mobile: 01222342373 
e mail:
Prof Ibrahim Mahrous Chairperson of GOVS (Veterinary Services)
الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية
Private mobile: 01114945707 GOVS 
land line: 37481750 
Fax: 37493404 
Fax: 37493442 
e mail:
Dr. Magda Shokry In charge of the GOVS chairperson technical office. 
الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية
Private mobile: 01210299775 01110079821 
e mail:

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