Bring SaGa Frontier to Playstation Network

In 2008, the Japanese Playstation Network (PSN) re-released SaGa Frontier. North American gamers have been asking for it ever since. Please sign this petition and ask Sony to please bring SaGa Frontier to our shores for a North American release!

Dear SEA,
In 2008, the Japanese Playstation Network (PSN) re-released SaGa Frontier. North American gamers have been asking for it ever since. Sony, please bring SaGa Frontier to our shores for a North American PSN release!

(undersigned names)

In 2008, the Japanese Playstation Network (PSN) re-released SaGa Frontier. North American gamers have been asking for it ever since. Sony, please bring SaGa Frontier to our shores for a North American release! We thank you for your concideration.

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