Tell Yahoo! Japan to Stop Selling Whale Meat!

People still consume whale meat in Japan, despite international backlash and an international ban enacted in 1986. A loophole that allows whale meat used in "scientific research" to be sold for profit allows the practice to continue.

Recently, a California sushi restaurant called "The Hump" was caught illegally serving endangered Sei whale meat. The restaurant owner admitted that he was aware his chefs were serving the meat and that they knew it was illegal.

Most large tech companies, including Japan's and Google Shopping Japan, have stopped selling whale meat. Yahoo! Japan is the only remaining tech company that still does. They host over 1,000 whale meat offerings, including minke whales caught in the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary, and endangered fin and sei whales caught in the Northwest Pacific. Please sign the petition to urge Yahoo! Japan to stop selling whale meat!

We are concerned that Yahoo! Japan continues selling whale meat despite international backlash.

Most large tech companies, including Japan's and Google Shopping Japan, have stopped selling whale meat. Yahoo! Japan is the only remaining tech company that still does. We understand that you host over 1,000 whale meat offerings, including minke whales caught in the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary, and endangered fin and sei whales caught in the Northwest Pacific.

We respectfully urge you to put the lives of endangered whales over profit and to stop selling whale meat. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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