Save the Tarkine Rainforest!

  • por: Ann W.
  • destinatário: Environment Minister Tony Burke, Australia

Located in Tasmania, the Tarkine Region is Australia’s largest temperate rainforest and it is in danger of being destroyed due to open-cut mining. This action will not only destroy the ecology of this important section of the world, but it will also endanger the only healthy population of the Tasmanian Devil left on the planet!

The Tarkine Region enjoyed relative safety from mankind’s destruction while under the protection of the emergency national heritage listing, but this listing expired 2 years ago and now mining companies are eager to deplete the area of its rich resources.

Proponents are citing teetering economic conditions as justification for new mining. But the devastation such a move would create will be permanent and detrimental to the planet. The need to protect this rainforest and all of its living creatures and waterways cannot be overstated.

Please tell Environment Minister Tony Burke to save the Tarkine by keeping miners out!

Dear Minister Tony Burke,

There are so few places left on earth that have not been destroyed by mankind either through development, mining or the introduction of disease that one has to wonder what type of planet we will leave our children. Man has the responsibility to protect creation whenever possible and that responsibility extends to The Tarkine Rainforest.

We (the undersigned) implore you to refuse any mining requests for this glorious region of the earth and protect it for generations to come.


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