Will The World's Largest Airline Take Steps to Battle the Carbon Emissions Destroying Our Planet

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Doug Parker CEO of American Airlines

Just by existing in modern society, you are creating your own personal carbon footprint. Heating your house, driving a car, choosing plastic over paper bags and even flying to see grandma. These activities create carbon emissions and further contribute to a warming planet.

But whatever our personal carbon footprint is, it's nothing compared to businesses like airlines that burn tons of fuel each day. In fact, the transportation industry is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases.

Luckily, some airlines are catching on. They recognize customers want to see but they don't want to destroy it while doing so. That's why, easyJet, Europe's fifth-largest carrier has decided to immediately begin offsetting their carbon footprint! The company which flies nearly 90 million passengers a year, in over 1,500 daily flights will purchase offsets in the form of payments to organizations that plant trees, fight against deforestation, or invest in renewable energy.

The best part is that the company will assume this cost without raising ticket prices!

easyJet is leading the charge in the industry, they have become the first major carrier to implement a carbon offset strategy. But they shouldn't be the last. In reality, easyJet's carbon footprint pales in comparison to that of American Airlines (AA) - the world's largest carrier.

AA flies more than 200 million passengers a year in nearly 6,700 flights per day. The company says they "hope that renewable sources will someday replace today's jet fuel and further lower the carbon footprint of flight." But that's not taking a proactive step. It's just waiting for innovation to come and as the largest player in its field that is unacceptable.

American should join easyJet and commit to buying carbon offsets for each and every flight. Sign if you agree.

Atualização #15 anos atrás

We’ve just heard some exciting news. Jetblue will offset carbon emissions for all of their domestic flights.Will American Airlines, the world’s largest, do the same? Share this petition with your friends and keep the pressure on AA.
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