You are cordially invited to support NBC's Hannibal

  • por: Kristy Gay
  • destinatário: Robert Greenblatt and the decision-makers at NBC

*We have reached our goal of 7000 signatures in just over a week (and 4 days before the goal date!) Care2 automatically increases the signature numbers in this case, so I've decided to both send out the petition to NBC as it stands, and also up the count to 10,000 for the last few days - Fannibals get it done! - Kristy Gay*

NBC's Hannibal is smart, well-crafted and visually breathtaking. The performances are outstanding. This calibre of show is something never before seen on network television and is worthy of being played out to its stunning conclusion. Despite this, Hannibal is in danger of not being picked up for a second season.

We as a fanbase need to stand behind this amazing show. We cannot sit by idly and wait for NBC to make their decision, we must take pre-emptive action.

1. Don't be rude. Tune in locally.

Whether it be Hulu, iTunes, or your local station please make sure you are tuning in locally. It is crucial to Hannibal's future that its viewership be measured and accounted for.

2. Thank your host.

Still salivating over that last episode? Let NBC know you like what's being served. They are on Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook, as well as many other platforms. You can also call or write your local station to show your appreciation.

3. Be a good guest and always RSVP. Sign and share this petition.

Together, we can help ensure the show's longevity well into the future.

- Kristy Gay (a Fannibal)

Dear Mr Greenblatt,

We the viewership, implore you to allow Hannibal a second season.

We all know that Hannibal is well-written, acted and produced. It is a marvel of network television. Most important is that Hannibal has engaged its audience. We have only seen a very small part of what looks to be a tremendous story, and we love what we've seen so far.

To cut Hannibal short would be akin to hosting the world's greatest dinner party, only to turn out your guests just as the entree is being served.

As fans, we know it takes a tremendous amount to bring a show of this calibre to the table. We reached our goal of 7000 signatures in just over a week, fans from around the world coming together to support this amazing show. Please know that we will do whatever we can to ensure Hannibal gets the long and happy life it deserves.

Thank-you for your attention, and above all thank-you for Hannibal. We do so look forward to dining with you again next season.

- The Fans (Fannibals)

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