Stop! The utter disrespect to audiences from Hollywood elites!

Game of Thrones was a show the was born naturally from the golden era of television which HBO spearheaded in the late 1990s and early 2000s. A natural successor to The Lord of The Rings trilogy This tv series brought fantasy stories to the fore front of entertainment again. It was ambitious and clearly through the guidance of the original creator GRR Martin (GRRM) it captured worldwide audience attention. GRRM has an imagination that I envy I'd love to create something that others enjoy. But, I must implore Warner Bros (WB) that as an audience I think that influential media companies have lost respect for the public. The public has a right to criticise products produce for their consumption especially if a bad product. I am asking WB to consider filming the correct ending to the song of ice and fire with perhaps the finished story outline and guidance of GRRM. Stories are the everyman's escape, the everyman's comfort and exploration of each other and oneself, And, what the producers of Game of Thrones did was to disrespect the time, and emotional attachment the audience gave, and ripped a satisfying and meaningful ending to a saga that could have been the best story ever told on screen. Audiences around the world literally paid to watch and were committed to the story, and in the end, the long night was an hour long and the protagonist king went back to where he started and the protagonist queen was killed because her character performed a complete 360 within an episode. Respect the audience or they will leave. I ask Warner Bros. Discovery to seriously consider filming the true ending of the song of ice and fire?

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