UPDATE 16.09.16 - ANIMAL WELFARE SERVICES REINSTATED - THANK YOU! STOP cuts to Birminghams Animal Welfare Service

  • por: Jennifer Dhanjal
  • destinatário: Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council.

Birmingham is sadly one of the local authority areas with a MAJOR problem of animal abuse and neglect. They have a fantastic Dog Warden and Animal Welfare team that seek out the animal abusers and ensure they are held responsible for their actions. So why do the local authority wish to take away their duties, specifically the animal welfare side of things. Will the RSPCA be drafted in, welfare cases passed across to them as with some other councils? The RSPCA cannot cope with the current demand on their services without local authorities adding to their burden.

A Public Consultation commences today 09.12.15, without a shadow of a doubt, animals will suffer greatly, animals will die without the protection of Birmingham Animal Welfare Team. PLEASE show your support by signing this petition and sharing it with your family & friends. Speak up for the neglected animals of our society.

Thank you!

Atualização #18 anos atrás
15.09.16 UPDATE
We are pleased to report that after public outcry and your support, Birmingham City Council have reintroduced the Animal Welfare Service with immediate effect.

A massive thank you to the admins, councillors, dog wardens and especially YOU for getting this result!

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