Demand an end to animals being advertised on Gumtree

As Iam sure you are all fully aware Gumtree is forever promoting the sale of animals and allowing free to good home FTGH adverts. I for one find it sickening and heartbreaking , so fed up of this happening.
I know Scumtree has probably be targeted in the past but Iam willing to try again it has to STOP.
Animals are unwittingly taken and more often then not used for bait in dog fights, used for food ie small furries to reptiles, abused, breed from,tortured the list goes on. The number of animals advertised on this site is daunting and overwhelming some find a loving home but most fall into the wrong hands.
Please share the hell out of this and sign the petition anyone and everyone can make a difference let's try.
We can't save every animal but we can give it a good go.

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